More Pointless Introductions

Hello, I’m Sigma, the Lead Programmer and Webmaster for Dai-Sukima Dan. I host and manage the website containing the blog you’re reading on at this very moment. I don’t really have anything especially interesting to divulge about me personally, and I’m not the greatest writer, so I’ll just finish off with this tidbit:

The development of the game is progressing nicely. If we’re lucky, it won’t be too long before we’re able to present a demo.

– Sigma

Introductions, Part 2

Well, I’m next.  Miss me?

I’m LTalon.  I figured I should introduce myself next, after da Boss.  I’m the Funny Man.  I’m the guy who’s writing all your insane gags, leaps of logic, silly jokes, and so on.  Well, not ALL of them, but a good amount of them.  I’m also responsible for a good amount of the side material–specifically a lot of it relating to everyone’s favorite Kappa.

I’m also one of the writers in general, and the primary editor of the project.  I get to take a stick and beat people if they’re not following the Law.  The Laws of Grammar and the Code of Spelling, to be exact.  And if it comes to it, I’ll be helping with the Programming.

I’ve thrown together a few projects of my own here and there, although nothing particularly interesting to the uninitiated, though.  I suppose you just need to sacrifice a chicken or two before you really appreciate it…

I really hope y’all enjoy what I…um…we!  I mean we!  What WE put out.  It’s our blood, sweat, and tears.  Mostly blood.  And it’s my job to make y’all laugh while you do.

You’ll be seeing me around doing PR, so I guess y’all will have to put up with my colloquialisms  for a bit longer, eh?

Guess I’m up first…

Hello, this is Iced Fairy.  I’m one of the lead writers and the unofficial general continuity editor.

I’ve done a several Touhou fanworks before working on this project, as well as some minor works for other fandoms.  I’ve also been part of some commercial development teams, though not sadly in the gaming field.

I’m already enjoying the work we’re putting together, and I really look forward to when we can get you all a demo of what we’ve created.   We’ve got a great core team together here, and I really believe we can pull together a very nice game for you all.

We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us but hopefully at the end, the results will make you laugh, cry and make small voodoo dolls of us in rage.  I’ll be working hard for that day.

Until later then.

More Information

I suppose it’s time for more info.  Information about things.  Everyone loves information, right?

Well, first off, I suppose a bit more data on the game itself is in order.  How about a release on who’s in it?

…who am I kidding, it’s Touhou.  Just about everyone is.  Well, almost everyone.  But your romantic options are: Patchouli, Reimu, Alice, and Flandre.  And one other SECRET.  And of course there’s a host of other people floating around…

On unrelated notes: It’s time for introductions!  I’ll be badgering people around the design team to make posts introducing themselves, so let’s give ’em a hand!

Yes, we exist.

Hello, hello, hello!  I’m LTalon and I’m here to tell you a bit about our pet project.

First of all, if you have no idea who we are, or what we’re doing, I suggest you dip over to the About page and see what’s what.

…you’re back?  Yes, I know it took us a while to get this blog running for all of you who are paying attention.  Okay, then let’s get started.

Our first project is a visual novel with some odd twists here and there.  We’ve taken a focus on everyone’s favorite broom-carrying, laser-flinging, street-punk talkin’ magician, Marisa Kirisame, and we’re hoping to take our audience through a…actually, short would be false advertising, so I’ll just call it a romantic adventure of fairly moderate length through Gensokyo.  Expect more details as time goes on.

That’s all for now, I suppose.