Minor writing tasks are moving along again

Hope all of you are finding a way to stay safe during this pandemic. Programmers like me have it easy, but if you’re working in something like retail, or especially in the medical field, you have my full respect for dealing with whatever you’re going through now.

If there’s anything positive to come from this, it might be that there’s a bigger focus on distributing goods online now, which is generally good news for Western Touhou fans. For example, Touhou 10-12 are going to be released on Steam soon, marking the first worldwide releases among Touhou games that ESR is based on.

Moving onto ESR talk, here’s the progress since January:

  • Pass 1, main writing: 83% (+0)
  • Pass 2, scripting: 72% (+2)
  • Pass 3, effects: 38% (+0)
  • Pass 4, minor writing: 30% (+3)

Last time, I said I wanted to take a serious look at working on Pass 4 myself, so I did. Overall, I’d say results have been positive: I made some real progress (5 scenes’ worth), and the minor writing tasks feel pretty doable so far. If I can keep that up, then it really boosts the chances of eventually completing ESR, since this can significantly ease the workload on our main writers who are more busy.

Even though I’m just writing side segments (Koishi advice, stat boosting, and story path variations), it’s slower going compared to scripting. But I think that’s natural – first, I’m a programmer by trade, and I figure I need some time to get the hang of creative writing. Second, those side segments honestly take up a good portion of the game’s word count. When you play through it, it doesn’t feel that long since you only take one branch out of many. But when you do a repeat playthrough, those branches really help to keep things fresh.

Provided that they’re well-written, of course. We all have our strengths and weaknesses in different aspects of writing. Some areas to consider:

  • Coherence. Does this Koishi advice segment match the details of the upcoming scene Koishi is talking about? Does it consider previous advice segments and previous related scenes? Does the timeframe of events throughout the day more or less make sense? If there’s a scene that doesn’t always happen, do we account for that later by branching the dialogue accordingly?
  • World immersion. Are Marisa’s words and reactions consistent with her character through the rest of the game? Do we have our basic Touhou facts straight? Are we making enough use of those facts, or does the writing feel too generic? Are any characters or settings appearing too often or not enough?
  • Writing quality. Are any word choices, sentence structures, or dialogue patterns getting stale? Do the sentences flow? Do the event transitions and dialogue progression seem natural or forced? Is the overall mood what we want it to be? Are the jokes, references, etc. clever and varied?

I’m best at the ‘Coherence’ area because I also need to get my story straight when doing technical writing. The other areas need more experience and creativity to do well, so I’m trying to work on that. I start off by writing something that kind of works, and then I’m generally making many rounds of edits (or rewrites) to the same scene – hours later, days later, weeks later. Hopefully that’s a sign of improvement!

Later, as time allows, the main writers can look over what I did and make more edits. I hope they can, since as I re-read what they wrote up to Demo 3.0, I have to admire much of the variety, wording, and references they came up with. But my goal is to make that edit job significantly easier than writing every segment from scratch. So I’m going to continue plugging away at the minor writing tasks, hopefully bettering my skills in the process.

Don’t forget to participate in the Touhou popularity poll! It opens June 7th in Japan time. Screenshots to cap things off:

Pleasantries with Alice
Learning about the SDM’s devils
Guess I’ll stay at home

10 thoughts to “Minor writing tasks are moving along again”

  1. Thank you for the update! I’ve been following this from the start, its been years but I eagerly await the arrival of this! Stay safe and good luck!

  2. Thanks for the update! Any step further is a step towards the final release! Good luck!

  3. The final release is gonna be amazing. Keep up the good work.
    Might wanna make a post on the touhou reddit when 4.0 comes out.
    Good luck, stay safe, cover your face/wash hands etc.

  4. I’m safe, thanks.

    “Just” a devil bound to her soul. Ah, magicians.

  5. Glad to see things moving along! You guys are doing great work! Stay safe.

  6. Hiya, just popping in to say I’ve been following this since the first demo, I really enjoyed it and if you’re still looking for writers, hit me up. Alternatively, if you’re looking to drum up interest or cast a wider recruitment net, I’m part of the administrative team on a decently-sized forum that could work with you for some promo work.

    Reply to this if you’re interested in either, otherwise I’ll assume otherwise. I don’t check the email I used to post this message, so don’t send anything to there ^^

  7. @Lisafication Hey, thanks for the support and the offer. I still have some doubts about bringing in a new writer at this point, particularly since our availability isn’t very consistent and a lot of communication would be needed to make sure we’re on the same page. So my feeling on writer recruitment is still “not the best time now, but we’ll see how things look later.”

    Though even if that doesn’t pan out, there is a good chance that we’ll want to ask for editing help later down the road. Stuff like spotting grammar and consistency mistakes, spotting paths that don’t make that much sense, or even reworking scenes that feel too flat as a whole. Basically, it feels a lot easier to ask for help on improving the game than to ask for help on finishing the game.

  8. @SleepKirby – Hey no worries. I’m a decent editor as well if you want help on that front, although I’m caught up in my own projects atm, so I’ll likely only be able to offer limited help until the New Year.

    Lisafication#6169 on Discord if you want to talk to me about that, or about getting anything put up on Sufficient Velocity (the forum I’m an admin for, we’re pretty sizeable if you want to drum up some interest).

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